Worthwhile Reads 4/19/15

Good morning! As I usually do on Sundays, I’m linking up with Amanda this week to share some worthwhile reads from around the Internet with you. First, however, I’m taking a moment to thank Alison for nominating me for the Liebster Award, as well as passing along the nomination to a couple of great blogs!

I’m honored to share I have been nominated for this award, which is a great way to discover new blogs through the ones you already follow. It means so much me to know that my blog is considered by even one person to be worth reading, and I am humbled by Alison’s nomination. Along with the nomination, she gave me a couple of questions to answer:

  • What is your favorite childhood memory?

This is a tough one, but I think I would have to say that the memory I have of discovering a littler of puppies while playing in a hay bale on our farm is definitely up there among the best.

  •  If you were stranded on a deserted island which celebrity would you most want to be stranded with?

For practicality purposes, probably Bear Grylls. If I am for some reason not focused on survival, I think I would choose Ellen Degeneres because she would be highly entertaining.

  • What is your favorite board game?

I’m a pretty big fan of Monopoly, but I also love the game Bezzerwizzer…and Cards Against Humanity, of course.

  • Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is a woman I got to know in college who, at 80 years old, is one of the most gracious, open-minded, and vivacious people I have ever met. She has consistently advocated for what she believes in throughout her life and allows life to continually surprise and amaze her as she ages.

  • If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is tricky because I’m not much of a movie person, but Mean Girls will always have a special place in my heart.

There are so many blogs that I follow and believe are worth reading, but I am going to recognize A Second Bite and Be Vulnerable; Have Joy for their wonderful blogs today. My questions for them to answer are:

  • What is your favorite dessert?
  • Where would you visit first if you could go anywhere in the world free of cost?
  • What would your dream job be?
  • Are you a cat person, a dog person, or neither?

And now, onto this week’s articles and blog posts!


Five Effective Ways People With Thin Privilege Can Fight Fatphobia

Unfortunately, bias against ‘overweight’ people is widely accepted in our society. Luckily, there are things that can be done to fight stereotypes and acknowledge how problematic it is to judge anybody solely by appearance.

What Does Being Fully Recovered From An Eating Disorder Look Like?

As always, I love Sarah’s practical and honest take on recovery. This is a great post on what freedom around food looks and feels like.

What “Doing What It Takes” Really Means

I read this at a time when it was exactly what I needed to see. Sometimes, we need to decide to fight through the anxiety, kick our disorders in the ass, and go all in for recovery.

Good Food, Bad Food, And Calorie Counting? What Kids Really Need To Know

The heightened focus on nutritional information, especially for kids, is terrifying to me. I think that it will only take us farther from listening to our bodies at an earlier age, and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who is frightened by that.

How To Be Kind To Yourself

It takes effort to be aware of the ways in which we are cruel to ourselves, but our conscious and unconscious negative thoughts truly do have an effect on our self-esteem.

#LoveYourLines Campaign Encourages Women To Flaunt Their Stretch Marks

Hell yes. It’s totally okay if your skin is not baby-soft. After all, you’re not a baby. You are a strong woman whose body has a story to tell.

Healthy Isn’t What I Thought It Was

A straight-forward look at genuine health that is not an unrealistic pursuit of perfection.

Should You Count Calories?

Sometimes I still need reminders like these to remember why calorie counting is a bad idea.

Life, Etc.

What Expiration Dates Really Mean

This is interesting, although I see expiration dates more as a casual suggestion than anything to take too seriously.

‘So Weird’ Is The Best ’90s Show You Forgot Existed & Here’s Proof It’s Time For A Rewatch

YES. I loved this show, and I did completely forget that it existed until I saw this.

How AeroPress Fans Are Hacking Their Way To A Better Cup Of Coffee

Don’t get me started on the amazing contraption that is the AeroPress. I could go on, and on, and on…